For more information on the CILS-Certificate please refer to our German page.

DAAD Proof of Language Skills (Sprachnachweis)
Following skills are examined:
- Listening
- Writing
- Reading comprehension
- Speaking
You can take skills 1-3 with the diagnostic language test on the following days and times in language lab 3 (KG I, room 1030):
Monday to Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Please make an appointment and note possible changes to the opening hours at: www.sli.uni-freiburg.de/selbstlern/sprachlabor
You can pay the examination fee by debit or credit card on the day of the test at the language laboratory.
After the test, please bring your student ID to the language lab supervisor. They will then confirm your results on the corresponding form. Since it is an online test, the results will NOT be saved.
oral part of the exam takes place on Mondays in language lab 3/4. We will inform you of your date and time after you have taken the written test.
Please bring the evaluation of the written test and your student ID to this appointment.
Please allow at least two weeks for the test to be taken and the certificate to be issued.