Sie sind hier: Startseite SLI - Language Teaching Centre Projects of the Quality Pact for Teaching kosmic ("competence-orientated online self-learning offers for mathematics, interculturality and chemistry

kosmic - competence-orientated online self-learning offers for mathematics, interculturality and chemistry

kosmic is an offer of the project "M5: More success in the study entry phase" which is funded within the framework of the "Quality Pact for Teaching" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Its aim is to improve the study entry phase with the help of web-based self-learning offers. Until 2021, the Language Teaching Centre of the University of Freiburg was responsible for the subproject "Interculturality and non-traditional students".

PLease find the kosmic self-learning offers HERE.

Interculturality and non-traditional students
Project aims

Improvement of the study entry phase through

  • promotion of intercultural acculturation as well as intercultural competence with international students and teachers
  • development of materials and formats which will facilitate starting studies for non-traditional students
Target groups
  • international students (prospective students and undergraduate students)
  • non-traditional students
  • teachers
Competence-oriented online learning offers
  • E-Learning resources on ILIAS , the university's central learning platform
  • all offers will be competence-oriented
  • all materials will be published as Open Educational Resources (OER)


Video: 8 facts about the SLI

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