EU-funded projects


European project supports internationalisation in higher education

The University of Freiburg took part in a three-year Erasmus+ project with six other European universities (2016-2019). The Educational Quality at Universities for inclusive international Programmes (EQUiiP) project provides modules for the use of educational developers and teacher trainers working with university teaching staff in internationalised programmes.


Internationalisation of higher education

The internationalisation of higher education has resulted in a greater diversity of learners and teaching staff in universities. This places new demands on the university teaching staff and programme directors who need to master an additional set of skills and competences in addition to their disciplinary expertise. It also places additional demands on educational developers and teacher trainers. The EQUiiP project provides our educational developers and teacher trainers with an integrated programme of Continuing Professional Development modules. These modules are provided through an open source platform so that they can be incorporated into the existing support for university teaching staff across Europe:


The EQUiiP partnership

The EQUiiP project is a partnership of seven European universities that have a proven track record in delivering Continuing Professional Development to university teachers and lecturers in the context of internationalised programmes in higher education. EQUiiP builds on the work of the IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network project (see
The project partners are Aarhus University, Denmark; the University of Bordeaux, France; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; the University of Freiburg, Germany; Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom;
and the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
If you would like more information about the EQUiiP project, please see



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




IntlUni Logo 2

Das SLI repräsentiert die Universität Freiburg in einem dreijährigen Projekt der Europäischen Union ( Von 2012 bis 2015 hat IntlUni Qualitätsprinzipien für die Lehre im mehrsprachigen und multikulturellen Lernumfeld formuliert (IntlUni Principles), Empfehlungen dafür entwickelt, wie ein qualitativ hochwertiges Lernumfeld nachhaltig sichergestellt werden kann und gute Praxisbeispiele veröffentlicht (Illustrative Samples).



Arbeitsgruppen des ELC/CEL

Das Sprachlehrinstitut ist Mitglied des European Language Council/Conseil Européen pour les Langues ELC/CEL ( und nimmt an den folgenden Arbeitsgruppen teil:

  • Languages and intercultural careers
  • Validation, recognition (and evaluation) of informal and non-formal language learning
  • Developing different models for language policies in Higher Education 



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