FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


What ist the DSH?

The "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH)" is often required as proof for German language skills for non-native speaker university applicants who do not have a German educational achievement.


Who should participate?

The DSH is targeted at non-native speakers that want to study at a German university. Please refer to your respective faculty for more information on immatriculation requirements.


What are the requirements?

The DSH tests whether you are verbally qualified for German-speaking studies. You should have at least GER level C1 to successfully participate in the DSH.

Please refer to our German page for registering as well as more information on the DSH.

University of Freiburg
Language Teaching Centre (SLI)
Universitätsstraße 5
79098 Freiburg


Office German as a Foreign Language (DaF)
Tel: +49 761 203-3271
(only during office hours)

Room 02 008, 2nd floor

Office hours:
Monday 10:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 10:00-13:00


Hans Overmann
Hans Overmann
Director of Studies

Tel: +49 761 203-5470
Room 03 003, 3rd floor

Office hours:
For the time being, we can only respond to e-mails.


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